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The annual HBL (High School BasketballLeague) tournament is not only a competition stage where high school basketballplayers' dreams come true but also the focal point of nationwide fan frenzyduring the March finals at the Taipei Arena. Since 1997, Nike has been animportant partner of HBL, continuously supporting these young basketballplayers with innovative products and services. In addition to creating moreopportunities for young players at the grassroots level, Nike encourages them toactively train, push their limits, and witnesses the rise and growth of manynew-generation basketball talents on the stage of "You Only HBL Once."


每年的HBL賽事不僅是全台高中籃球員夢想的競賽舞台,三月的小巨蛋決賽更是全國球迷狂熱注目的焦點。自1997年起,Nike便成為HBL的重要夥伴,不間斷地以創新的產品及服務,支持這群熱愛籃球的年輕球員,除了在基層籃球為年輕球員創造更多機會,鼓勵他們積極訓練並突破自我極限,更在這個「一生只有一次 HBL」的舞台,見證了許多新世代籃球菁英的崛起與成長。