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Nike TW

"Just Do It," has been supportingcountless individuals in pursuing their dreams since its inception in 1988.Following the "不客氣了" campaign in 2018, whichincorporated the unique personality traits of the Taiwanese people to interpretthe brand's core values, Nike has inspired many to adopt the "noexcuses" attitude of "Just Do It" when they step onto the field.In 2019, Nike continued in this vein by further exploring the reasons why youngpeople hesitate or are unwilling to chase their dreams. Through thebreakthrough interpretations of outstanding Nike athletes from various fieldssuch as baseball, track and field, basketball, and martial arts, as well as theemerging generation of artists, Nike launched the "Hesitation is being toonice to yourself" campaign. With a series of detailed and bold visualdesigns, along with diverse creative online and offline product services, Nikeaims to inspire more young people of the future generation. Through the powerof sports, they encourage them to stop hesitating, step out of their comfortzones, and take the first courageous step towards pursuing their dreams. #JustDoIt


Nike的品牌精神理念- JustDo It,自1988年誕生以來,支持了無數人向夢想發起挑戰,繼2018年的「不客氣了」系列活動,融入台灣人特有的個性特質延伸詮釋品牌核心價值,激勵許多人勇於展現「上了場,就不客氣了」的Just Do It態度。2019年,Nike延續此脈絡,進一步找出了讓年輕人躊躇不前、甚至不願追逐夢想的原因,並藉由多位來自棒球、田徑、籃球與空手道等領域最傑出的Nike運動員以及新生代藝人的突破詮釋,啟動「猶豫 是對自己太客氣」系列活動,在國際賽事陸續登場之際,以一系列細節飽滿又大膽的視覺設計,配合創意多元的線上、線下產品服務,期許透過運動的力量,鼓舞更多未來世代的年輕人別再猶豫,勇敢跨出舒適圈,奮力踏出追求夢想的第一步,#JustDoIt